How Far Is Miami Airport To Cruise Ship Terminal
Table Of Content Hotels with Shuttles Buses Things to Do Near the Charleston Port Private Transport from the Miami Airport to the Port of Miami Shopping in Charleston Taxi from Fort Lauderdale Airport to Miami Port You can easily estimate fares upfront, choose between different car types based on your needs and preferences, and track your driver’s arrival in real-time. To use Uber or Lyft, simply download the respective app on your smartphone and set up an account if you don’t already have one. Once at the airport, follow the signs or ask for guidance to the designated rideshare pickup location. Open the app, enter your destination as the Miami Cruise Port, and select your preferred ride option. A pier representative will direct guests to their motorcoach once they have collected their luggage, clear customs, and exit the terminal. Transportation service will be provided during the duration of the debarkation process. Hotels with Shuttles Carnival Cruise Line offers transportat...